Filippo Giacinti
01 September 2018
30 November 2021
Over the last decade the European Union has faced numerous threats that quickly increased in their magnitude, changing the lives, the habits and the fears of hundreds of millions of citizens. The sources of these threats have been heterogeneous, as well as weapons to impact the population. As Europeans, we know now that we must increase our awareness against these attacks that can strike the places we rely upon the most and destabilize our institutions remotely. Today, the lines between physical and cyber worlds are increasingly blurred. Nearly everything is connected to the Internet and if not, physical intrusion might rub out the barriers. Threats cannot be analysed solely as physical or cyber, and therefore it is critical to develop an integrated approach in order to fight against such combination of threats. Health services are at the same time among the most critical infrastructures and the most vulnerable ones. They are widely relying on information systems to optimize organization and costs, whereas ethics and privacy constraints severely restrict security controls and thus increase vulnerability.
The aim of this project is to provide solutions that will improve physical and cyber security in a seamless and cost-effective way. It will promote new technologies and novel approaches to enhance threat prevention, threat detection, incident response and mitigation of impacts. The innovative part of this is building an integrated system so that it analyses separate incidents from both systems and classes them as innocent or elevate them to a threat that a member of the security team should consider.The project will also participate in increasing the compliance between security tools and European regulations about ethics and privacy for health services. Finally, project pilots will take place in the hospitals of Marseille, Turin and Amsterdam, involving security and health practitioners, in order to simulate attack scenarios in near-real conditions. These pilot sites will serve as reference examples to disseminate the results and find customers across Europe.
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use