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Research reports

With cybersecurity a key pillar of the EC’s digital strategy cyberwatching.eu has delivered a number of reports on the EU R&I landscape and the development of the EU Project Radar. The radar provides an interactive “birds-eye” view of the complete collection of EU funded projects in the cybersecurity space. Over 260 projects are organized by high-level categories, their lifecycle stage and relative market and technology maturity.

The radar and the related reports offer a unique vision an ever-evolving landscape. The radar processes and analyses detailed landscape data for users such as policy makers, researchers and companies make swift yet statistically sound statements on the state of the art of the European cybersecurity and privacy research landscape”. David Wallom, Associate Professor at the Oxford University eResearch centre & cyberwatching.eu partner.

Managed directly by the projects it maps, researchers and innovators working in the EC R&I space can actually update their data in real-time and at the same time actually carry out a self-assessment on their market and technology readiness levels (MTRL) at the same time. This MTRL analysis of the status of projects provides a unique view of the landscape and has sparked project-to-project collaboration to address technology and sector specific challenges, as well as joint dissemination actions involving over 25 projects.

"Thanks to our understanding of the market and technology readiness of projects, we’ve been able to cluster them into meaningful clusters. Our reports show the value of project clustering to align on joint recommendations and showcasing results together through joint events and webinars”. Marina Ramírez Jiménez, project manager at AEI Ciberseguridad & cyberwatching.eu partner.

D2.8 Recommendations report on R&I needs

This deliverable presents the results of the analysis of the Cybersecurity and Privacy European research projects and their results, including the characterisation of the projects comprised in the Project Radar, the analysis of the Market and Technology Readiness Levels (MTRL) of those projects that interacted with Cyberwatching.eu by providing their MTRL self-assessment score and the analysis of the matrix of the identified technologies and services.

D2.7 Cybersecurity Technology Radar Final Report – Spring 2021

The Cyberwatching.eu team present in this report a series of visualisations of EC supported activities in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy that allows possible exploiters of the outputs of these projects to understand their status.

D2.6 Statistical analysis of the Cybersecurity and Privacy ecosystem

This deliverable offers an analysis of the landscape of EU funded projects in the Cybersecurity and Privacy research community using well-known statistical analysis methodologies. It compares the results for a full set of projects funded in the past with a subset of projects that at the time of writing are still active. The results are then condensed into a proposed clustering of active projects Cyberwatching.eu may further engage with in more tailored and focused communication.

D2.5 Cybersecurity Technology Radar 2nd Report

This deliverable (August 2020) presents a visualisation of EC supported activities in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy that allows possible exploiters of the outputs of these projects to understand their status.

D2.4 Statistical analysis of the Cybersecurity and Privacy ecosystem

This deliverable (October 2019) offers an analysis of the landscape of EU funded projects in the Cybersecurity and Privacy research community using well-known statistical analysis methodologies. It compares the results for a full set of projects funded in the past with a subset of projects that at the time of writing are still active. The results are then condensed into a proposed clustering of active projects Cyberwatching.eu may further engage with in more tailored and focused communication.

D2.3 Methodology for the Classification of Projects/Services and Market Readiness

This deliverable is the first in a series of publications over the duration of the cyberwatching.eu project, related with to methodology for the classification of projects/services and their Market Readiness. This document is focused on the description of the methodology for determining the TRL/MRL of a project and how these values will be used to build a classification matrix for the projects. Next documents will focus on the matrix itself, with data, and on the analysis of that matrix to elaborate a recommendations report on R&I needs.

D2.2 Cybersecurity technology radar 1st Report Autumn 2018

We present in this report a visualisation of EC supported activities in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy that allows possible exploiters of the outputs of these projects to understand their status.

D2.1 Cybersecurity and Privacy ecosystem model report - A Taxonomy of Cybersecurity and Privacy to assess the coverage of developed landscape by EC and nationally funded projects

One of the objectives of the Cyberwatching.eu project is to support projects in the cybersecurity domain in classifying and clustering themselves and others into meaningful groups of common topics and concerns to generate synergies and collaboration.


On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

The webinar will showcase new insights into research projects (CS-AWARE-NEXT, DYNABIC, AI4CYBER) dealing with cybersecurity research and innovation for the protection of critical infrastructures. The projects research on the challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience solutions and how the adoption of latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can aid in the effectiveness and automation of such solutions. Furthermore, challenges arise to ensure trustworthy AI is used in the solutions.
