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Compliance reports

Compliance reports

The cybersecurity and privacy landscape moves fast. More often than not, much faster than legal regulations can cater for. New technologies such as AI, Blockchain and IOT have emerged and with them new challenges which need to be addressed. Cyberwatching.eu has provided a robust package of recommendations facing both the policy makers and the Supervisory Authorities, to address stakeholders’ needs in this area.

“Clear explanations of the fundamental obligations on data protection and data (cyber-)security included in the EU legislation, are best provided by the experts that practice and apply such laws on a day-to-day basis, making the cyberwatching.eu partners the most appropriate resource of creating this impact. The ultimate aim of merging legal and technical knowledge and practical observation of reality was to develop online tools that are meant to complement one another, resulting in self-assessment tools that provide handy self-explanatory legal and practical recommendations for all stakeholders, including SMEs”. Paolo Balboni, founding partner of ICT Legal Consulting & cyberwatching.eu partner

D3.7 EU White Paper around legal compliance and policy statements including recommendations

The work in this deliverable is related to Objective 3 of cyberwatching.eu, which is to “play a supporting role in the policy, regulatory standards & legal discussions that contribute to shaping up the global cybersecurity & privacy landscape.” This document is the White paper around legal compliance & policy statements including recommendations (M51), which is the final version of a preliminary version D3.4 (M26) relating to the Task 3.4 on Legal Compliance in cybersecurity & privacy.

D3.5 Risk and recommendations on cybersecurity services

This deliverable presents the results of the analysis of the risk and recommendations on cybersecurity services from different angles, which include an update on the European Union’s privacy, data protection and cybersecurity compliance framework, the challenges of emerging technologies, in particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), the challenges of privacy during Covid from a user perspective and the findings of the third concertation event thereby resulting in a set of key recommendations covering the cybersecurity services landscape, with a particular focus o

D3.4 EU Cybersecurity legal and policy aspects: preliminary recommendations and road ahead

This Deliverable offers recommendations to policy-makers with regards to the interaction between the General Data Protection Regulation and the Directive on security of network and information systems and the challenges brought about by the deployment of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Blockchain. Moreover, it collects proposals from EU projects on areas of research and policy solutions within the scope the two main strategic elements which will shape the EU landscape in cybersecurity and privacy: Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programme.

D3.2 European cybersecurity and privacy Research & Innovation Ecosystem

This document presents a view of the European cyber security and privacy research and innovation ecosystem with a view of getting input and feedback via a survey and the concertation meeting held on 26 April 2018 in Brussels.
A key component of developing this deliverable was to target research projects in the field of cyber security in the current cyber security framework. To this aim, a survey was sent out to projects in cyber security in the EU. All the projects were also invited to the First Concertation Meeting, which was held on 26 April 2018 in Brussels. Feedback from that first Concertation meeting is included in this deliverable.


On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

The webinar will showcase new insights into research projects (CS-AWARE-NEXT, DYNABIC, AI4CYBER) dealing with cybersecurity research and innovation for the protection of critical infrastructures. The projects research on the challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience solutions and how the adoption of latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can aid in the effectiveness and automation of such solutions. Furthermore, challenges arise to ensure trustworthy AI is used in the solutions.
