This deliverable presents the results of the analysis of the risk and recommendations on cybersecurity services from different angles, which include an update on the European Union’s privacy, data protection and cybersecurity compliance framework, the challenges of emerging technologies, in particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), the challenges of privacy during Covid from a user perspective and the findings of the third concertation event thereby resulting in a set of key recommendations covering the cybersecurity services landscape, with a particular focus on privacy and healthcare.
The Third Concertation event planned for the Cyberwatching.eu project was replaced by a set of four webinars. This replacement was required and agreed due to the challenges in having a further physical concertation event – it was felt that a series of webinars would have a more significant impact given the specific topics that were selected and relevant to the current environment. Thus, although clearly the COVID crisis actually affected the concertation event negatively in that a physical event could not take place, it also presented a unique opportunity to discuss and solicit input concerning the perceptions of the relevant stakeholders with respect to privacy and the change of work requirements and way of working during this unprecedented crisis period, as well as to address the challenges encountered during Covid in the healthcare system.
In this deliverable, the results of a COVID survey which was carried out during several months is quite interesting having been undertaken as an additional task outside of the normal expected planning of the Cyberwatching.eu project. The conclusions and recommendations are thus also reflective of the input and feedback from the relevant stakeholders giving even more credence to our approach. As such, this deliverable actually goes above and beyond the initial intentions and objectives, despite the fact that the COVID crisis significantly hindered our ability to accomplish this. We will continue to pursue further the feedback from the stakeholder community, especially within the planned roadmap deliverable due at the end of the Cyberwatching.eu project. We also note that this deliverable represents the current snapshot and analysis, which presents as well a moving target given the risk aspects concerned.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use