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Advanced Persistent Threat Feed

Widely integratable Threat Intelligence Feed

The Fitsec Advanced Persistent Threat feed is a collection of data used to identify malware fingerprints and attacks targeted towards an organization. It is designed to be easily integrated into your existing systems and to improve your malware detection capabilities. With our APT-feed, your organization is equipped to possibly stop an advanced attack altogether, or at least minimize the damages to your operation.

Protect your organization from advanced threats with the latest indicators on malicious activity.
The Fitsec APT-feed provides you with data of the latest IOCs (Indicators of Compromise), which is data that is designed to be integrated into various systems in your organizations' network infrastructure. IOCs enable you to monitor your network environment for signs of infection or abnormal behavior, before damages are inflicted.

The APT-feed is available in the following formats by default: CSV, MISP, Paloalto, OpenIOC, TAXII, STIX. We can also deliver the feed in any other format you require. We will also help with the integration if needed.


The APT-feed subscription includes access to our APT-Platform. The platform is a valuable tool for SOC teams and threat intelligence teams to help with day to day operations. For SOC teams, the tool can assist with data enrichment and scoring threats and for threat intelligence teams our platform can act as a library of historical and current data about APT actors to improve defences and make better decisions.
With this insight, teams can make better suggestions to executives. The clear grouping of threats and visual representation can help upper management better understand the threat landscape.

The platform is a web application that enables you to view and search all data related to threat actors in our database and visualize the amount of APT activity in certain sectors and countries. Below are some screenshots of the user interface and it's functionalities.

Platform interface

Benefit for Customer: 

Integration of our threat feeds into your network enables your organization to be equipped to possibly stop an advanced attack altogether, or at least minimize the damages to your operation. The feed enables your organization to get the full benefits from your existing detection and monitoring systems. These systems can include for example, SIEM systems, firewalls, antivirus products and IDS/IPS systems, etc.

More info: 

Contact us for a meeting and showcase of the service!

For paying
Target sector: 
Engineering & manufacturing
Finance & insurance
National government agencies

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