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Research category winners in CONCORDIA WOMEN’s AWARDS

We already know CONCORDIA WOMEN’s AWARDS winners for the RESEARCH category! CONCORDIA has established the WOMEN’s AWARDs to recognize outstanding women working in cybersecurity and privacy, encourage young females to continue pursuing their careers in cybersecurity.

The RESEARCH category prize includes three categories: Master Award, Ph.D. Award and Early Career Award. We received several excellent applications. The selection committee has evaluated each application, and based on their judgments, we are happy to announce the following winners:

  • Master Student
    Pantelitsa Leonidou, Cyprus University of Technology
  • Phd Student
    Martina Šestak, University of Maribor
  • Early Career
    Eleonora Losiouk, University of Padua


What are the rewards?

All award winners will be invited to participate in the CONCORDIA Open Door event and give a talk to present their work. The award winner will be asked to record a short video presenting her research activities to promote the recipient on the CONCORDIA channel.

Additionally, the Ph.D. student award winner will receive financial support to attend the CYBERHOT summer school for hands-on training in cybersecurity.

The early career award winner will receive financial support to register to a top-level conference on cybersecurity.