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Earlier this year the four pilot projects were launched in order to operate a pilot for a European Cybersecurity Competence Network and to develop a common European Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap. This shall contribute to strengthening the EU's cybersecurity capacity and tackling future cybersecurity challenges.
CONCORDIA, CyberSec4Europe, ECHO and SPARTA are the four projects which were chosen by the European Commission. They will not only develop a sustainable European cybersecurity competence network, but will also implement a variety of tasks, e.g. cybersecurity demonstration cases (in eHealth, finance, telecommunications, smart cities, transportation, etc.), provide trainings and programmes to tackle the cybersecurity-skills gap in EU, etc.
In our webinar, all the four pilot projects will present their planned outcomes and services that could benefit European cybersecurity SMEs, as well as other companies which are looking for the support in the field of cybersecurity.
Who should attend
The webinar is primarily targeting SMEs – both cybersecurity users and providers, which will get an overview of tools and services that the four pilot projects have to offer them. However, this webinar is also open to all interested in the cybersecurity landscape in Europe and its planned development in the years to come. Particularly, decision makers from all over the EU will benefit from learning more about the four pilots which will prepare a ground for further development of the European Network of National Cybersecurity Coordination Centres. Furthermore, other R&I projects, especially those in the field of cybersecurity, will profit from cooperation and coordination activities’ presented by the pilots.
Who are the speakers?
Mr. Fabio Martinelli is a research director of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). His main research interests involve security and privacy in distributed and mobile systems and foundations of security and trust. Since 2004 He is in the board of directors of the international school on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD). He founded and chaired the WG on Security and Trust management (STM) of the European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). He usually manages R&D projects on information and communication security and in particular, He is currently the Project Coordinator of the EU Network on Cyber Security (NeCS) and of the Collaborative information sharing and analytics for cyber protection (C3ISP) project. He serves as expert in the H2020 Protection and Security Advisory Group (PASAG) and acts as First director in the Board of the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO). He is also member of the Italian Committee for Cyber Security Research (as CNR security expert). Fabio Martinelli serves as Partnership Director in the SPARTA Pilot for the Network of competence centres in cyber security.
Francesco Osimanti (male), is a Marketing Specialist & Digital Copywriter. He is in charge for the development of Communication and Dissemination Strategies for a wide array of clients with special focus on content creation and on-site SEO. He obtained a bachelor degree in International Affairs & Politics (2008) at the University of Pisa. He moved his career forward through several European NGOs, mostly in the Netherlands & Northern Ireland, as Project Assistant and Communication Officer. He is currently actively involved in Trust-IT on European funded projects on communication and dissemination focused within the areas of cybersecurity and privacy and ICT Standards. Francesco, since late 2017 is also a key actor in supporting European funded projects in the Common Disseimation Booster and serves project cluster groups in making them more aware in their dissemination activities.
Guillaume Bonfante is assistant professor at Lorraine University. He is responsible of a master program devoted to Cyber-security that is recognized by the French National Agency on Security (ANSSI). He is doing is research in computer virology since 2005. He developped morphological analysis, a form of binary analysis specially crafted for obfuscated and protected executables. He his one of the founders of Cyber-detect which is selling the tools that were developped at the lab around morphological analysis. He his now the CTO of the startup. He participates to the French National Grant Organisation (ANR-Astrid) on security issues. He also participate to the organisation of conferences such as FPS, Malcon, Botconf.
Justina Bieliauskaite is a Project Management of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance. She is responsible for drafting and implementing numerous EU funded projects. At the moment, Justina is responsible for cyberwatching.eu, UNICORN, eCF Alliance and SIGHT projects.
In addition, Justina is leading some of the DIGITAL SME’s policy initiatives related to the cybersecurity, data economy, digital taxation, ICT skills, social justice and copyrights.
Before joining DIGITAL SME, Justina has obtained two Master degrees (cum laude) in political science and international relations from the universities of Leiden and Vilnius. She has been responsible for policy analysis and project coordination in the public sector (Ministry of Education of the Republic of Lithuania), as well as in different non-profit organisations based in Lithuania and Belgium.
Mark Miller is the Founder and CEO of CONCEPTIVITY and is part of the cyberwatching.eu consortium. He has over 29 years of experience in defence, security, information technology and international supply chain security issues. He brings a breadth of expertise, which addresses key areas for cyberwatching.eu. He is the Vice Chairman of the European Organisation for Security (EOS) as well a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO). He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) holding a degree from the MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department as well as an MBA from the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). He has competed certificates in 10 areas as a cyber-security expert under the US DHS (FEMA) covering broad aspects such as policy, legislation, regulation, ethics, white collar crime, planning, prevention, mitigation, and forensics. He is also a designated expert in the ERNCIP Smart Grids and Industrial Control Systems Expert Group (under the EC JRC) addressing cyber security issues in the industrial and smart grids context. He also was an important contributor to the development of the European Security Label concept as part of ESRIF.
Mr. Matteo Merialdo is an experienced project manager with over sixteen (16) years of experience in system architecture and technical project management, with a focus on security-by-design and cyber-risk analysis. He has wide experience on managing large cyber-security collaborative projects, including: FP7s and H2020s; European Space Agency GSTP and Artes.
He actually works as Project Implementation Coordinator for the H2020 ECHO project and as Technical Project Manager for the H2020 PANACEA project. He is also managing the Cyber Security Centre of Excellence project for the European Space Agency.
Nineta Polemi is a Programme Manager at European Comission (DG-CONNECT) Cyber Security and Digital Privacy Unit H1. She was previously an Associate Professor at the University of Piraeus in Piraeus, Greece, teaching cryptography, ICT system security, port security, and e-business and innovation. She has been a security project manager for organizations such as the National Security Agency, NATO, Greek Ministry of Defense, INFOSEC, TELEMATICS for Administrations, and the European Commission (E.C.) She has acted as an expert and evaluator in the E.C. and the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).
Silvana Muscella is CEO & founder of the SME Trust-IT Services, an SME providing international marketing & research specialised in fostering ICT solutions globally and across Europe and co-founder of COMMPLA, a boutique software house that delivers multichannel software solutions to commercial clients. She tackles high-level strategy building, business acquisition, coordination and strategic marketing and communication developments in ICT, namely in building cloud computing tools & services & cybersecurity, ICT in energy efficiency.
Played an instrumental role in connecting stakeholders around standardisation efforts in distributed computing (namely, IEEE, ETSI, OGF, SNIA, DMTF, OASIS, ITU-T). Contributed to the EC’s Cloud Expert Group Roadmap on future research priorities & the ETSI Cloud Standards Coordination & and the C-SIG on SLAs. Chair of the EOSC HLEG [2017-2018], member of the Green Grid, IEEE InterCloud Computing Initiative & an ACM Professional Member. Author of the Cloudscape Series now taken forward in Brazil. Served as at-large director for OGF. External Expert Evaluator for the European Commission since 2009.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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