Home » Projet VoxCrim: Forensic voice comparison

Projet VoxCrim: Forensic voice comparison

01/12/2017 to 01/12/2021

VoxCrim deals with speaker authentication and more precisely forensic voice comparison. VoxCrim targets national security and legal/justice application contexts and proposes a validated scientific objective framework available for all kinds of forensic voice comparison methods (automatic or phonetic).

The goal is to develop certified standards to delimit the specific areas where voice comparison methods are applicable.

VoxCrim gathers computer scientists (LIA) with phoneticians (LPL, LPP), experts in standardization (LNE) and members of the forensic department of Police Nationale (SDPTS). Members of the forensics department of Gendarmerie Nationale will take part in the project as a center of expertise.

VoxCrim's aims are organised along two time scales: (1) analyses of well-controlled recordings in the near future, and (2) an enlarged area of application later on.

This project will allow the SDPTS labs to extend their ISO 17025 validation approaches to voice comparison. In order to disseminate the knowledge and the questions about voice comparison, seminars will be organized with the speech community and members of the judicial system. The project will also help to gather – and provide training for – a pool of young researchers specializing in voice comparison and the forensic applications thereof in order to compensate for a well-known lack of specialists in France.

Friday, 2 November, 2018


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