Thank you for joining the Cyberwatching.eu webinar on "EPES and Smart GRIDS: practical tools and methods to fight against cyber and privacy attacks" in collaboration with the R&I projects providing solutions to protect EPES and SmartGRIDS agains cyber-threats, and preserve consumer's privacy.
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Download the post-webinar report and discover the concrete recommendations and solutions to protect EPES and Smart Grids againts cyber threats, and preserve consumers' privacy based on experiences with their platforms, use cases and demonstrators.
The Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES) is of key importance to the economy, as all other domains rely on the availability of electricity. With the growing use of digital devices and advanced communications and interconnected systems, the EPES is increasingly exposed to external cyber-threats, and therefore they requires an attentive evaluation of the cyber security risk that allows taking proper countermeasures.
On the other hand, despite Smart Grids (SG) support a dynamic two-way information exchange between utility companies and their customers, contributing towards a smart and sustainable energy management in Europe and the establishment of a wiser energy consumption mentality, the power grid is also exposed to security threats inherited from the ICT sector, while privacy issues and new vulnerabilities, related to the specific characteristics of the Smart Grids infrastructure, are emerging.
Attacks to EPES and SG may lead to cascading failures, ranging from destruction of other interconnected critical infrastructures to loss of human lives.
The European Commission adopted in April 2019 a sector-specific guidance that identifies the main actions required to preserve cybersecurity and be prepared for possible cyberattacks in the energy sector, taking into account the characteristics of the sector such as the real-time requirements, the risk of cascading effects and the combination of legacy systems with new technologies. Join us on this webinar where the projects EnergySHIELD, SDN-Microsense, SealedGRID and DEFeND will present their solutions to protect EPES and Smart Grids against cyber-threats, and preserve consumers' privacy.
11:00 - 11:05 - Cyberwatching.eu Introduction and welcome note - Marina Ramirez, Cyberwatching Project Partner & Trust-IT Services
11:05 - 11:25 - The DEFeND project to help GDPR compliance in the Energy Sector - Jean-Baptiste Bernard, GRIDPOCKET, Annarita Iodice & Andrea Praitano, MATICMIND, DEFeND
11:25 - 11:45 - From Honeypot-oriented Risk Analysis to Islanding Solutions in Energy Systems - Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, University of Western Macedonia, SDN-Microsense
11:45 - 11:50 - Q&ASession
11:50 - 12:10 - Distributed Key Management for MicroGrids - Prof. Christos Xenakis - School of Information and Communication Technologies, University of Piraeus, SealedGRID
12:10 - 12:30 - Assessing, Enhancing and Cultivating a Cyber-Security Culture in the EPES Sector - Anna Georgiadou - DSS Lab, NTUA, EnergySHIELD
12:30 - 12:35 - Q&A Roundtable
12:35 - 12:40 - Closing remarks
Register now on the next planned appointments entitled "Cybersecurity risk management: How to strengthen resilience and adapt in 2021" taking place on 23 November at 10:00 CET. Stay tuned for the next announcements!
Andrea Praitano has a degree in Engineering, a Master in Business Administration and twenty years of work in the ICT sector. His experience is multidisciplinary and include project management, information security management, IT service management, IT and security governance, compliance/audit and privacy. Mr. Praitano has 15 years of experience as security and privacy consultant and project manager. He is a member of the board of ISACA Rome chapter. He speaks Italian and English and he hold technical and methodological qualification such as CISA, Lead Auditor ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 22301 and ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO/IEC 27002 Advanced, PRINCE2 Practitioner, ITIL Expert, CRISC, COBIT 5, ISO/IEC 20000 Auditor and Manager, M_o_R - Management of Risk, MSP - Programme Management, Green IT, Technical Professional Risk and Compliance, Managed Service Provider Technical Support: Risk and Compliance, ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 Essentials (Technical), SSE+ Symantec Mobile Management 7.2, SSE+ Symantec Mobile Management Suite (Altiris) and App Center. He is managing the privacy and cybersecurity advisory team of Maticmind and he had the role of Project Security Officer of DEFeND Project. He had different speeches and seminars on cybersecurity and privacy.
Mrs. Anna Georgiadou is a research associate in the Management and Decision Support Systems Laboratory in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). She has been working as a senio enginerr on operation and system support services for major telecommunication providers, energy regulators, banking systems and other critical national infrastructures. She has recently become a PhD candidate on the cyber-security field. She is a certified database and network administrator, software developer and data analyst.
Annarita Iodice is currently a Business Analyst at Maticmind. She has a Master's degree in Mathematics. The main skills, developed over the course of 24 years of work experience, cover the following areas: Business Analysis, Data Warehouse, Data Analysis and Software Development. She also got project management experience. Before joining Maticmind, she worked for HP and EDS in different industries sectors like Banking, Insurance, Telecommunication, Public Administration, University and Research. She is currently working for the DEFeND project, funded by EU H2020, as a task leader. So, during last two years, she gained a good knowledge about privacy and security field.
Prof. Christos Xenakis is a faculty member of the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus, Greece, where currently is a Full Professor, a member of the Systems Security Laboratory and the director of the Postgraduate Degree Programme, on "Digital Systems Security". He has participated in numerous projects realised in the context of EU Programs (ACTS, ESPRIT, IST, AAL, DGHOME, Marie Curie, Horizon2020) as well as National Programs (Greek). He is the project manager of CUREX, SECONDO, INCOGNITO and SealedGRID projects, funded by Horizon2020, while he was the projec manager o the ReCRED project funded by Horizon 2020 and the technical manger of the UINFC2 project funded by DGHOME/ISEC. He is also a sterring committee member of the European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) and the leader of the Hellenic Cyber Security Team. His research interests are in the field of systems, networks and applications security.
Dr Jean-Baptiste Bernard is a product manager at GridPocket, a start-up company specialized in energy management for consumers and prosumers. He specializes in the use of energy data to enhance customer satisfaction and fidelity.
Prof. Panagiotis Sarigiannidis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece since 2016. He has published over 190 papers in international journals, conferences and book chapters. His research interests include telecommunication networks, internet of things and network security.
Head Business and ICT Consultant and project manager. Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Malaga, with over 15 years experience in business and strategic consultancy for public administrations and SMEs. At CITIC; Marina develops strategic plans for innovation and information society, ICT and business advice to SMEs, development of commercial offers, attracting companies for participation in R + D + i projects. Reports, market research, analysis, project management.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use