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R&I Project Hub


The Cyberwatching.eu PROJECT HUB is Europe’s ONLY complete and unabridged compilation of EU-funded research projects on cybersecurity topics. It was created specifically to facilitate information transfer, communication and cross-pollination.

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The industrial sector is experiencing an unprecedented number of changes in recent years. New models of remote delivery, especially in complex ICT infrastructures such as healthcare, increase the potential impact of cyber security breaches to a level that has not been experienced before.

The implementation of platforms permitting people to work from home means that the attack surface is considerably broadened and adversaries can disclose sensitive information, affect the integrity or correctness of the transmitted data, or even stop processes and services from taking place.


IRIS will deliver a framework that support European CERT and CSIRT networks detecting, sharing, responding and recovering from cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities of IoT and AI-driven ICT systems, to minimize the impact of cybersecurity and privacy risks, through a collaborative-first approach and state-of-the-art technology.

IRIS Architecture:

H2020 HEIR

The vision of HEIR is to provide a thorough threat identification and cybersecurity knowledge base system addressing both local (in the hospital/ medical centre) and global (including different stakeholders) levels, that comprises the  following pillars: 


Manufacturers of automated systems and their components have been allocating an enormous amount of time and effort in R&D activities. This effort translates into an overhead on the V&V (verification and validation) process making it time-consuming and costly. The ECSEL JU project VALU3S aims to evaluate the state-of-the-art V&V methods and tools, and design a multi-domain framework to create a clear structure around the components and elements needed to conduct the V&V process.


In times of a global pandemic, there is an increased use of online services such as e-commerce, which goes together with an increased number of threats and attacks related to the services, as well as to the underlying processes.  From the online presentation of the goods to the consumer to the product delivery, passing through online payment – every step of the process is facing threats on a cyber and/or a physical level.


FINSEC is an example of integration between Physical + Cyber security fully dedicated to the critical infrastructures in the financial sector. The main results of the FINSEC project are:

  • Standard based reference architecture
  • Predictive security
  • Collaborative security
  • Security toolbox and certification services


CyberKit4SME will provide cybersecurity tools that help SMEs and MEs become aware of, analyze, forecast, and manage cybersecurity and data protection risks. The toolkit will provide sophisticated levels of analysis and protection in a manner that is low-cost, easy to understand, and collaborative in nature, plus facilities supporting incident reporting and security intelligence sharing and collaboration with other SMEs, larger supply chain partners, and CERT/CSIRTs.


TeraFlow will create a novel cloud-native SDN controller for beyond 5G networks. This new SDN controller shall be able to integrate with current NFV and MEC frameworks as well as to provide revolutionary features for flow aggregation, management (service layer), network equipment integration (infrastructure layer), and AI/ML-based security and forensic evidence for multi-tenancy. 

The project proposes an integrated solution for tackling various challenges of B5G networks to support service providers and telecommunication operators in their journey towards future networks.


PUZZLE brings together multidisciplinary competences and resources from the academia, industry and research community focusing on digital community, multi-dependency cyberphysical risk assessment, edge trust assurance services and remote attestation, distributed processing, programmable networking mechanisms, cybersecurity analytics, deep analysis and distributed machine learning, threat intelligence and blockchain technologies. 


The IoTAC project aims to deliver a secure and privacy-friendly IoT architecture that will facilitate the development of more resilient IoT service environments. Our system, comprising of a secure gateway, runtime security applications and cloud-based service platforms, will provide comprehensive protection for service environments of various IoT domains. The technology will not only protect new deployments but can also enhance the security level of legacy operations.

IoTAC has a multi-layer approach to improve IoT security.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

The webinar will showcase new insights into research projects (CS-AWARE-NEXT, DYNABIC, AI4CYBER) dealing with cybersecurity research and innovation for the protection of critical infrastructures. The projects research on the challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience solutions and how the adoption of latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can aid in the effectiveness and automation of such solutions. Furthermore, challenges arise to ensure trustworthy AI is used in the solutions.


Deliverables Research

This deliverable presents the results of the analysis of the Cybersecurity and Privacy European research projects and their results, including the characterisation of the projects comprised in the Project Radar, the analysis of the Market and Technology Readiness Levels (MTRL)

The Cyberwatching.eu team present in this report a series of visualisations of EC supported activities in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy that allows possible exploiters of the outputs of these projects to understand their status.

This deliverable offers an analysis of the landscape of EU funded projects in the Cybersecurity and Privacy research community using well-known statistical analysis methodologies.

This deliverable (August 2020) presents a visualisation of EC supported activities in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy that allows possible exploiters of the outputs of these projects to understand their status.