Home » Events » cyberwatching.eu Annual Event - Krakow & Athens 08.10.2018

cyberwatching.eu Annual Event - Krakow & Athens 08.10.2018


Cyberwatching.eu is organizing its first Annual Event on 08 October 2018.

The annual Workshop will be held in Athens and Krakow with three tracks covering key topics in cybersecurity and privacy for different stakeholders.

1 - Aligning and prioritising EU and international Cybersecurity and Privacy - Krakow, Poland 08.10.2018, 11:40-13:30

EU policies & legislation, such as GDPR & Cybersecurity Act, are being advanced to address threats to governments, businesses and vulnerabilities affecting consumer data and individual privacy.

But how does this compare internationally?

This session will be the place for international dialogue on this very topic. Shooting from the hip, we’ll have experts from Europe, the US and Japan addressing the key issues towards international harmonisation.

This session will be held at Cybersec Forum 2018 in Krakow, Poland.

See the full programme and get your discount to access CyberSec 2018 by registering here.

2 - Assessing research outputs within the cybersecurity and privacy landscape - Krakow, Poland 08.10.2018, 15:45-17:15

This workshop will show how the Cyberwatching.eu project is using a two-tier taxonomy of cybersecurity and privacy topics in order to support projects to classify and group themselves into meaningful clusters.

By applying a Market and Technology Readiness Level framework, we also support projects in maturing their innovative ideas advising on how to develop a business case starting with the end user problem being addressed, advice on packaging the ‘big idea’ and enabling the cross pollination of ideas for business models between projects as a source of valuable feedback.

This session will be held at Cybersec Forum 2018 in Krakow, Poland.

See the full programme and get your discount to access CyberSec 2018 by registering here.

3 - Security of Personal Data Processing for SMEs - Athens, Greece 08.10.2018, 09:00-17:30

One of the core obligations for all businesses, including SMEs, acting either as data controllers or data processors, in GDPR is that of the security of personal data. In particular, according to GDPR security equally covers confidentiality, integrity and availability and should be considered following a risk-based approach: the higher the risk, the more rigorous the measures that the controller or the processor needs to take (in order to manage the risk).

This session is coorganised with ENISA. It is organized within the context of relevant ENISA’s work in 2016 and 2017, especially targeting SMEs (where we collaborated with experts from Italian and Greek DPAs) and as a follow up on the event organized on February 8, 2018 in Rome.

See the full programme here.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.